Make a Difference for Reach
Become a donor, volunteer, or a friend.

Your generosity helps secure a future of opportunity and independence for our clients.
Donate unrestricted funds. Give a one-time gift, monthly gift, or multi-year gift.
Leave a legacy that benefits the future of our community. Consider a gift to Reach in your will, life insurance policy, retirement account, or annuities for a retirement income stream or tax deductions.
Contribute to our endowment.
Our tax exempt ID is 81-0347366. Please talk to your financial advisor about the deductibility of this gift.
If you have questions about your donation, please contact Jacy Widhalm-Clark, Community Relations and Development Director at 406-587-1271, or by email at jwidhalm@reachinc.org.
Other ways to lend a helping hand at Reach.
Donate needed items from the Reach Wish List.
Volunteer at one of our annual fundraising events. Check out Upcoming Events for info.
Annual Art Auction, first Saturday in February!
Annual Race for Independence, 4th of July!
Sponsor an event. – In addition to supporting those served by Reach Inc., your business will benefit from the advantages of visibility to our very dedicated community.
Employ a client at your business or utilize our client-run recycling or office cleaning services.